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Pheature 2021 is a joint collaboration between the National University of Singapore Pharmaceutical Society (NUSPS) and the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering Student Chapter (ISPESC). This event is a one-day conference occuring once every two years, and aims to feature the different aspects of the biopharmaceutical industry. This is accomplished by inviting industry professionals from a wide range of sectors, such as business, healthcare and IT, to share about how the products and services that they have created meet the needs of the public. 

This year, the title of the conference is, "Lessons Learnt: COVID-19 Management". We decided to centre the theme around COVID-19 as it is the biggest public health crisis that has struck the world in over a century, and many countries faced unprecedented challenges in containing and combating the spread of the virus. Furthermore, with the increased digitalisation of the healthcare sector, many nations now have the added option of using smart data to assist them in contact tracing, as well as to bring traditional, physical medical consultations online. 

Why Pheature?

Pheature was first created by the previous batch of student leaders because they wanted to raise awareness about the different fields in the Bio-Pharma industry. It was hoped that by exposing more students to the different roles, they would be equipped to make more informed decisions and embark on careers that they are passionate about. Additionally, there was also this desire to amass more knowledge about recent events, as well as the latest developments in the Bio-Pharma industry that are not otherwise covered in their courses of study.  

The conference will last for a day, and encompasses a series of talks, case studies, panel discussions and smaller group collaborations. The objectives of the conference are to:  

  • Introduce students to the latest breakthroughs and innovations in the biopharmaceutical industry. 

  • Expose students to the different roles and sectors of the biopharmaceutical industry. 

  • Offer students an opportunity to network and learn from professionals.

  • Provide students a platform to mingle and interact with students from other courses of study. 

With the objective of providing a platform for biopharmaceutical experts to share about their experience and feature their works to students, the concept "Pheature", a portmanteau between two words: "pharmaceutical" and "feature", was birthed.

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Track 1: Bio-Entrepreneurship

In unprecedented times like the COVID-19 pandemic, when Singapore's economy is expected to shrink between 4 and 7 percent, there are disproportionately fewer startups succeeding while existing companies have to adapt and transform their businesses to suit the current needs of the society. How will entrepreneurship impact the healthcare and the bio-pharma industry of Singapore? 

Track 2 : Healthcare

The healthcare sector is facing constraints in hospital resources like facilities and manpower, due to the vast amount of COVID-19 cases. The biopharmaceutical industry also has to overcome the challenge of producing drugs and vaccines fast enough to meet global demand. How is the healthcare sector overcoming these immense challenges and coping with COVID-19? 


Track 3 : Digital

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Contact Us 

Pheature 2021 is going to be an exciting conference that will deliver valuable expertise from, and priceless networking opportunities with biopharmaceutical representatives from top companies in Singapore . 


Our team is committed to ensuring that you get the best possible experience out of this conference. Should you have any queries, please fill up the form, we will get back to you immediately after more details are confirmed.

Contact Us

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 Track 1: Bio-entrepreneurship 

In unprecedented times like the pandemic when Singapore’s economy is expected to shrink between 4 and 7 percent, there are disproportionately fewer startups succeeding while existing companies have to adapt and transform their businesses to suit the current needs of the society. How will entrepreneurship impact the healthcare and the biopharmaceutical  industry of Singapore?

 Track 2: Healthcare 

The healthcare sector is facing constraints in hospital resources like facilities and manpower, due to the vast amount of COVID-19 cases. The biopharmaceutical industry also has to overcome the challenge of producing drugs and vaccines fast enough to meet global demand. How is the healthcare sector overcoming these immense challenges and coping with COVID-19?

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 Track 3: Digital Future 

The advent of the digital revolution has triggered the rapid development of treatments using big data and the utilisation of robotics in drug manufacturing. In times of COVID-19, epidemiological studies and infectious disease modelling are crucial in guiding us through the pandemic and in the formation of prevention measures against future pandemics.

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Track Flow 


Pick a track

There are 3 main tracks that you can choose from. Pick the track that captures your attention. 

Know the speakers in your track

Each track will be further divided into 3-4 talks. These talks will be related to the theme of the track, but will be more specific in content. Each talk will be helmed by one keynote speaker.

Participate in the 

panel discussion

Speaker representatives from other pharmaceutical companies who are interested to share for a particular track may do so in a panel discussion. The discussion will be held during the last 30-45 mins of the day. Each track will have 1 panel discussion.

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9.15am - 9.30am 

Admission into Zoom

12.00pm - 1.00pm 


1.00pm - 4.00pm  

Split up into 3 tracks


Sharing by individual speakers

4.00pm - 4.10pm  

Closing Session

Lucky Draw

9.30am - 10.00am 

Opening Ceremony

10.00am - 11.00am 

Keynote Presentation

11.00am - 12.00pm

Panel discussion

4.10pm onwards 

Networking Session

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Track 1: Bio-entrepreneurship

In unprecedented times like the pandemic when Singapore’s economy is expected to shrink between 4 and 7 percent, there are disproportionately fewer startups succeeding while existing companies have to adapt and transform their businesses to suit the current needs of the society. How will entrepreneurship impact the healthcare and the bio-pharma industry of Singapore?

Track 2: Healthcare

The healthcare sector is facing constraints in hospital resources like facilities and manpower, due to the vast amount of COVID-19 cases. The biopharmaceutical industry also has to overcome the challenge of producing drugs and vaccines fast enough to meet global demand. How is the healthcare sector overcoming these immense challenges and coping with COVID-19?

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Track 3: Digital Future

The advent of the digital revolution has brought much convenience and new possibilities to the pharmaceutical industry, such as the rapid development of treatments using big data and the utilisation of robotics in drug manufacturing. In times of COVID-19, epidemiological studies and infectious disease modelling are crucial in guiding us through the pandemic and in the formation of prevention measures against future pandemics. 

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Address from


Following the success of Pheature 2019, International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering - Student Chapter (ISPESC) and NUS Pharmaceutical Society (NUSPS) have come together, once again, to discuss on the latest trending topics in Pheature 2021. 

COVID-19 has changed the world, forming new norms and testing established processes. Pheature 2021 will discuss the lessons that we can learn from the pandemic and the future of the pharmaceutical industry in this new era. This event will be an eye opening opportunity to catch a glimpse of what the future holds for us. With three highly comprehensive and enriching tracks to choose from, we guarantee that there will be something which suits everyone. 

This event is not only for students, as we invite companies and professionals to join us. We wish to organise this event as a platform to form more collaborations and to bring our society to new heights. With the combined efforts of everyone, we will emerge from this pandemic stronger and with determination, we will overcome all adversities. 

Thank you and we hope to see you at the conference.


Charles Zhou 

ISPESC President

Louis Chan

NUSPS President

Charles and Louis 


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